Academic Coaching
For graduate students:
Applying for academic positions, preparing for interviews, polishing your CV
Negotiating job offers
Navigating conferences and making presentations
Understanding what goes into successful writing for publication
Other topics/questions you bring
Goal setting, time management, accountability structures
Finding support and resources
Getting into a writing flow
Communicating with advisors and committee members
Identifying and working with mentors
“Dr. Curry’s guidance was fundamental to the development of my scholarship. With over 30 years of expertise in academic publishing, she will expertly guide you through the process of selecting journals and writing with detailed attention to the editorial process. Years later, I still draw upon the skills MJ imparted!”
–Jeannine Dingus-Eason, PhD
Dean, Rider University College of
Education and Human Services;
author of A Thousand Worries:
Black Women Mothering Autistic Sons
(State University of New York Press, 2023)
“As a novice scholar whose academic work is rooted in Dr. Curry’s research on linguistic injustice, I was elated when she agreed to coach me. Her guidance in navigating the complexities of academic life was much needed—especially for someone for whom English is a third language and who comes from a marginalized background. For me as a woman striving to balance the demands of a top-tier academic institution, Dr. Curry’s support was always precisely targeted to my needs.”
- Abir Ward, PhD
Boston University
For early career
Understanding evaluation systems and journal metrics
Building academic research networks, collaborations, finding mentors
Exploring the power of saying no and saying yes
Supporting writing habits, getting unstuck
Applying for grants, fellowships, awards
Your issues/topics
Starting a new position
Setting goals and priorities
Time management and schedules
Navigating the early years, balancing demands and priorities, protecting research/writing time
Developing a publishing agenda, choosing among publishing genres and opportunities
“As a mid-term assistant professor, my focus was squarely on promotion and tenure, but I was lacking needed mentorship at my university. MJ, with a perspective outside my discipline, provided thoughtful guidance, actionable feedback and, most important, encouragement. My coaching sessions with MJ made me feel more confident to tackle my case for promotion and tenure, and were part of why I felt prepared to submit a year early—and successfully.”
- Michele Thornton, PhD
Associate Professor of Management
State University of New York, Oswego
Strategic planning consultant:
“In working with MJ, I got to see my career from a successful and long-time academic’s perspective. This helped me to see things with fresh eyes so I could make the best steps moving forward.”
–Marium Abugusea-Heidt, PhD
Associate Professor
State University of New York, Brockport
“Dr. Curry’s coaching was instrumental in guiding me through the tenure and promotion process. Our coaching sessions equipped me with the skills to negotiate effectively, manage mid-career transitions, and articulate my goals compellingly. During our sessions, she combined insightful feedback with practical exercises tailored to my professional development needs and personal identity. I highly recommend her services.”
–Tamara Taggart, PhD, MPH
Associate Professor
Department of Prevention & Community Health
Milken Institute
School of Public Health
The George Washington University
For mid- and late-career academics:
Understanding service/administrative options
Preparing for and navigating administrative roles
Taking on editorial roles
Writing for practical and public audiences
Your topics/issues
Preparing for reappointment/tenure review
Setting long-term goals
Managing the post-tenure dip
Maximizing your leave/sabbatical time
Balancing work and life commitments
“Early in my sabbatical leave, I had a consultation with Dr. Curry, which left me with tangible and specific practices I could implement immediately. I was better able to track and manage my writing time through simple changes to my schedule and calendar use. These practices continue to serve me after returning to a full-time schedule of chair work, teaching, and service. And I’ve been able to continue substantial work on a manuscript that I might have dropped after sabbatical if not for the practices introduced in my consultation.”
-Milo Obourn, PhD
Chair, Department of Women’s and Gender Studies
Professor, Department of English
State University of New York, Brockport
Author of Disabled Futures:
A Framework for Radical Inclusion (D/C: Dis/color)
(Temple University Press, 2020)
“Working with Dr. Curry helped me to gain clarity on my professional goals and develop an effective strategy for leveraging both my intellectual and emotional assets to improve my leadership performance. She is the real deal!”
—LaRon E. Nelson, PhD, RN
Independence Foundation Professor
Yale University School of Nursing